We guarantee that the tickets we sell are 100% genuine. We sell real tickets - not vouchers. With one of our tickets you are good to go - no lines, just walk right up to the entry gate, feed in your ticket - and enjoy.
All our tickets are legal. We do not deal in ticket re-sales. We are able to offer discounts because the theme parks give discounts to brokers who buy in bulk. We pass the discounts on to you. The tickets that you buy from us have only one difference to tickets purchased at the gate - THE PRICE!
Lost Tickets
If you loose one of your tickets (or put it in the laundry- it has happened) we can give you the serial numbers because we scan every ticket before it is shipped.
Guest Services at Disney and Universal Studios will print you a replacement ticket if you can give them the numbers. (Please note only tickets with magnetic strips, Disney, Universal studios and Orlando Flex tickets can be replaced by the parks)